20 March 2008

Salam Maulidul Rasul 12 Rabi'ul Awal 1429

Hijjaz - Rasulullah

Rasulullah dalam mengenangmu
Kami susuli lembaran sirahmu
Pahit getir perjuanganmu
Membawa cahaya kebenaran

Engkau taburkan pengorbananmu
Untuk umatmu yang tercinta
Biar terpaksa tempuh derita
Cekalnya hatimu menempuh ranjaunya

Tak terjangkau tinggi pekertimu
Tidak tergambar indahnya akhlakmu
Tidak terbalas segala jasamu
Sesungguhnya engkau rasul mulia
Tabahnya hatimu menempuh dugaan
Mengajar erti kesabaran
Menjulang panji kemenangan
Terukir namamu di dalam Al-Quran

Rasulullah kami umatmu
Walau tak pernah melihat wajahmu
Kami cuba mengingatimu
Dan kami cuba mengamal sunnahmu

Kami sambung perjuanganmu
Walau kita tak pernah bersua
Tapi kami tak pernah kecewa
Allah dan rasul sebagai pembela

18 March 2008

March 08 School Holidays

Last week's school hols must've been one of the least 'happening' of all, for the kids, compared to previous school hols. Sunday 9th we went to the zoo in ulu klang- along with their tokwan, opah, mamisu, abah of london, umi, baba, isyraf n iman.
Kids had fun though, watching the animals show and going around on the train ride.


The leopard cage is reachable (despite safety fencing), any kid would love to give it a pat... I almost did, then it struck me, it's a leopard, not a (tame) cat!!!

The tiger's roars and breathing are most heart-pounding. Wouldn't want to here those elsewhere than the zoo or circus!
Time to go home. All's weary and tired....
The rest of the days last week, we spent waiting for a nice clear night to ride on the eye on malaysia. It didnt happen! It rained every evening til the school hols are over.... poor kids...

More zoo pictures here.

08 March 2008

Selamat Mengundi!!

Yes, kak e has carried out her duty as a malaysian citizen. Went to vote in klang with hubby. Kids stayed home with bibik. Actually i feel it's rather unethical voting in a place where i didnt live, coz i hardly know these candidates! Need to change address later... Here are some pictures of the festive campaign banners! Very merry in klang and bangi, rather 'skema' in putrajaya...

Ammar wanted this one, for sure....




More photos here.